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    Welcome to K-POP CDF

    Judging standard and Prizes

    Number of Votes for recommendation 30%, Number of Hits 20%, Experts evaluation 50%

    Judgment and Selection criteria

    • Round1 No. of video hits (30%) + No. of recommendation votes (20%) combined with the expert evaluation score (50%). Approximately 20 teams will be chosen in each region to proceed onto Round 2.
    • Round2 Teams that have proceeded will have to confirm whether they are able to attend the next round by E-mail. Only teams that are able to attend the local rounds in the specific region (Round 2) will be able to proceed onto Round 2.
    • The teams that will proceed onto the final round will be decided by looking at the total votes given by the local judges in Round 2.
    • 1-3 teams from each region will then be selected to enter the Final Round. However in the case that the team cannot enter Round 2 of the K-POP COVER DANCE FESTIVAL, the results of the first round will be reviewed and another team will be selected using the wildcard method.

    Benefits for finalists!

    Expenses are covered for all finalists!
    - Return ticket, accommodation costs,
      food expenses, transport expenses,
      training costs, tour costs, etc.
    K-POP experience package that will make you a star!
    - Photoshoot with a celebrity photographer - Dance lesson and clinic with a famous
      K-POP choreographer
    - Your very own special time on a
      K-POP stage
    K-POP Star Surprise!
    An ultimate experience and a guided sightseeing tour around Seoul for all finalists!

    * Changes or alterations can be made at any time according to the discretion of the Management Committee.

    * In accordance to COVID-19 regulations of South Korea and each appropriate countries, the rules and guidelines of invitation may be subject to changes.

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